We are here to help you drive efficient business strategy and build corporate governance. You'll find there reliable partners on your track from being a local player to becoming a global business leader.
Business Strategy
Our core deliverable - sustainable strategical cycle to help your company succeed through uncertainty.

We generate analytical market researches and collect expert opinions for solid foundation of your strategy
We hold strategical sessions, prepare and moderate series of strategical meetings, facilitate the teamwork.
We help to design strategic dashboards, choose strategic directions and big moves, prioritize strategic programs and projects.
We implement the decisions- with the establishing strategic control system, KPI or OKR, project and change management systems, motivation program for executives.
Owner, family and corporate Governance
We are helping to establish high standards of governance in your company, to structure relations between busines partners and to increase effectiveness of owners - individuals and families.

This includes creating and driving your supervisory boards and boards of directors, drafting shareholders and family agreements, consulting on ESG standards and launching family offices.
Finance and Investments
We are strongly focused on financial elements of the strategy and governance. We are equally good in placing and raising smart money.

We can develop and implement a financial and investment strategy both for the companies and high net worth individuals/families.

We are fundraising, design presentations/smart pitch-decks/financial models for fundraising purposes.

Launch management
Starting a brand new business line, launching greenfields are big challenges for existing business.

We have a verified experience in successfull creating spin-offs and infant projects. Such entities as Bridgio Tech Accelerator (our portfolio company) and Astocap Investment Company were established by us for the benefits of our clients.

Launch management needs a unique combination of proven methods of management and experience of working in uncertainty.
IT solutions
We provide access to our Strategy Constructor.
This is our own product, that can help you to create, formalize and track the business strategy.

It is simple to use.
Create a corporate account. Insert initial data: actual business model. martket analysis input, raw ideas and statements. Enjoy the wide range of tools for designing strategy: matrixes, whiteboards and ratings. Compose strategic dashboards and roadmaps. Easily track the progress of your strategy and flexibly correct it in details.

Our product is based on Fibery platform, that ensure that your information remains private, secure and available.


We are proud of working with global-minded leaders and their ambitious teams. Hope that strategies and management tools that we've created together are our small contribution to their present and upcoming success.
  • OXAGILE: software development company
    Strong technical team with competiencies in online video, computer visiond and business intelligence with 500+ professionals on board and presence in the US and Europe. We are helping them with establishing good corporate governance.
  • PROMWAD: electronic design house
    The close-knit team of 180+ engineers and managers - the biggest electronic design house in the Eastern Europe. We are proud of creating business strategy, establishing best corporate governance standards and launching spin-off projects with this vibrant company
  • ZORKA: digital perfomance marketing agency
    More than 110 digital marketing experts delivering perfomance campaigns to the grands of gaming and consumer industries all over the world. We are helping to design and execute their business strategy and corresponding strategical cycle.
  • ASTOCAP: global investment company
    Global investment vehicle with 50+ mln assets under management operates in 5 countries. We were launching this platform with initial investors and are helping with its strategy and good pracrice of governance.
There are so many consultants and advisory firms around. What does make SPRAWARE different?
  • 1
    Our proven track-record and references.
    This is our best card. See above some of our clients and we are open to provide contacts for the reference.
  • 2
    Solid foundation
    Our approach is based on a fundamental understanding of the nature of business. Model-System-Person framework explains how every business works and how to increase extremely the сhances of successful decisions. But also we rely on tools widely recognized by the professional community and certified by the international standard ICMCI Global
  • 3
    Own IT solution for strategy executing
    Do you know lots of consultancy firms with their own IT solutions? We create our Strategy Constructor for practical support of our clients' strategies. We do not "text strategies at the table" (or feeding file servers with presentations). We put decisions into the working environment and implement it in daily processes
  • 4
    Perfomance-based remuneration
    We are ready to put "skin in the game" - portion of our fees could be postponed and linked to business success of soltions provided. Also we are open for co-investing in new business projects together with our clients.
  • 5
    Worldwide presence
    We give our clients access to Europe area (with our offices in Warsaw and Lithuania), US (with our presence in Washington DC), MENA (with our presence in Dubai, UAE)
  • 6
    Unlimited advisory resources
    Hard to believe but this is true. We work not as a standard firm but as a consultancy network, so we can assemble a team of any size for the client's project, relying on it.


    Experience in international investment projects, conducting strategic sessions, developing strategyies, implementing managerial accounting, developing and implementing change projects.
    Based in Warsaw, Poland
    Expert in corporate strategy, finance and project management. Partner of Bridgio Tech Accelerator.
    Alumni of Professional Fellows Program, USA, Pittsburgh
    Certified Professional of the International Consortium for Agile.
    Based in Washington DC, United States.
    Certificated management consultant (CMC) with a standard of International Council of Institutes for management consulting (ICMCI). Member of Boards in several companies.
    Specializes in strategy management, corporate governance, change management and owners/top-management personal coaching
    Certificated management consultant (CMC) with a standard of International Council of Institutes for management consulting (ICMCI)
    Specializes in efficient management, enterprises reorganization, human resources and change management.
Mail to: op@spraware.com
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